Recycling Webinar NNZ

NNZ webinar ‘recycling of plastic packaging’

our speaker: industry expert Vincent Mooij, Suez.circpack

21 juni 2021

Sustainability plays a key role in ensuring consumer confidence and, hence, sales into growing markets. Sustainability of materials and articles that come in contact with food is now increasing in the top ranking of features that led the consumers’ choices, and recyclability is part of it.  But when exactly is a packaging material recyclable?

Todays topic focused on ‘Recyclabilty of plastic packaging’.

NNZ invited Vincent Mooij (Suez.circpack) to talk about:

1. What is ‘recyclable’?
2. EPR-systems (Extended Producer Responsibility)
3. Sorting technologies
4. Recycling technologies
5. Design for recycling principles
6. Recycling assessment and certification (RecyClass vs MindestStandard vs RecycleCheck etc.)
7. Future developments in sorting & recycling (Chemical recycling, Digital Watermarks, Image recognition)
8. Services offered by Suez and Recyclass

Suez.circpack services RecyClass - design for recycling guidelines RecyClass - recyclability test methods
NNZ Scandinavia
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